Saturday, December 1, 2012

Blog 10: Senior Project Update

Q1) What are you current;y doing for your independent component?

A1) I am just continuing my mentorship at the Taekwondo school I work with.

Q2)What is a recent piece of research (article, interview, or audio-visual) that have you reviewed you would say was significant in helping you understand where to go next in your senior project? The piece of research should be something you reviewed in November. Please explain what you learned and where are you going next because of this piece of research.

A2) The book that I am using for research checks, "Competitive Taekwondo: winning and training tactics" helped me alot in my research checks and senior project in general. I learned a lot of training methods and drills for sparring competitions. I also learned what it takes to win or lose in these types of competitions and the factors to success and failure. For the next research checks I plan to continue to look up more information about Taekwondo sparring.

Q3) Provide evidence from your independent component or the piece of research as something you recently did. For example, a photo of something you working on for your independent component or your notes from the video you watched.

A3) Look at previous posts.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Science Fair Proposal

Q1) What is your topic?

 My topic is Taekwondo.

Q2) What is the driving problem behind your experiment and the quote by an expert to support that problem?

The problem is to figure out whether or not if I add height to a kick directed to the face will there be less force? And to see if  I add more rotation while I execute the kick will there be more force?

" Master Chaney believes that this “full circle” movement not only generates more power it also gives the fighter a better defensive position if the kick misses. "

 "Kicking in Harmony: Muay Thai And Tae Kwon Do By Terry Wilson." Kicking in Harmony: Muay Thai and Tae Kwon Do By Terry Wilson. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2012. <>.

Q3) What is your hypothesis?

If I add height to my kick then there will be less force, unless I add a more rotation in my body.

Q4) Brief Paragraph of science experiment.

I will be kicking the vernier force plate covered by couple of shield targets will I strike it. I will be recording how much force is each technique producing and since I will be having it at my face level I will have measuring tape to calculate the height from the ground to the target.

Q5) Physics

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Blog 9: Working EQ and Possible Answers

Q1) What was the working EQ you used during your presentation?

A1) My working EQ was "What is the best way to coach a winning Taekwondo competition?"

Q2) Did you decide to revise your working EQ after your presentation?

A2) I am not going to revise my EQ at this time.

Q3) What are possible to your current working EQ?

A3) The few possible answers that I was able to think of are:
  • keep training 
  • win or lose take it as valuable experience
  • have a role model so you have someone to look up to
  • stay positive
  • have a set goal 
  • never stop learning.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

Q1) Write a description of what you plan on doing for your Independent study component.

A1) I plan on to continue teaching Taekwondo as mentorship and paying extra attention to the sparring classes and form classes, because in Taekwondo competitions those are the main categories. I also intend to try to apply what I teach my students myself in my own performance. For example if I tell my students to do this technique during sparring, I plan on doing it myself to see if it will work or not. Or if I tell  my students to kick like this during a form I will do the same and apply it to myself. Also if I get stuck with anything I will seek my mentor for any help.

Q2) Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours of requirement.

A2) I already have a set schecdule of what days I go to Taekwondo, which are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Tues through Friday I am usually there from 4:00pm to 9:00pm and Saturdays I am usally there from 8:00am to 12:00pm. I am basically there most of the week and so I could get most of the work done there.

Q3) How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?

A3) This component relates to my EQ because of the teaching method I will be testing. First of all my EQ is "what are the best ways to coach a winning Taekwondo competition ?", and the independent component will help me solve and figure out which teaching methods are efficient and which teaching methods are ineffective.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Second Interview questions

  • How did you start Taekwondo?
  • What made you want to start getting serious in competitions?
  • What was your daily routine for training?
  • What types of food did you eat to nourish your body for competitions?
  • What was your favorite techniques to win competitions?
  • How did you get the fear and nervousness out of your mind before competitions?
  • What did you do when you lose the matches?
  • What titles have you earn through competitions?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Project Reflection and Working EQ

1) What positive thing happen as a result of what you completed so far?

Well I have been going to Taekwondo on my set schedule and I feel very energetic and happy after each day I am there. I'm starting to teach the younger kids and white belts more and seeing them trying to follow my directions is very funny and cute, especially the little kids that are like four and five. There are also young kids bout six and seven that are near black belt and to see them execute such techniques with such precision for their age puts a smile to my face. It gives me that warm proud feeling knowing that I was the one that was able to perfect their technique and enhance their skill. Also after all the classes are finished sometimes all the instructors have a training session and that gets my adrenaline flowing because we train our butts off literally! And the next day it leaves us feeling sore but also gives me the feeling of wanting more.

2) Pick a piece of research or interview. How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic? 

Well when I read "Taekwondo Kyorugi: olympic style sparring" it help me decide that I am probably going to be revolving my topic based upon sparring and competitions. Originally I was going to do it on teaching TKD but finding researches on the sparring is more convenient for me. Plus with new sparring techniques I can find I can personally apply it when I train. 

3) What has worked so far in your senior project?

Personally everything has worked for me as far as mentorship, photos, first hand experiences, and just resources. I feel so lucky because since I was practicing and teaching at the same time, when the senior topics rolled around the TKD school was there to help and support me if I needed anything.

4) What hasn't worked so far?

The most difficult part for me is finding the resources and research about teaching Taekwondo to multiple age groups. Research meaning how to teach children ages 4 and up. Also other things such as teaching handicapped children. It was difficult for me to search things up such as this. 

5) Based on your research so far,

  • What possible question, or questions come to mind regarding what would you like to study this year?  
How can I decide whether to choose Taekwondo from the teaching aspect, or the competition aspect and which one would help benefit me more for the senior presentation?

  • What is your end goal to the senior project? 
Well no matter if I choose the teaching aspect or the sparring aspect I want to be able to have a good senior presentation. With that meaning that I am able to teach TKD to anybody and everyone, no matter if it's my peers or the underclassman I want to be a good teacher and presenter.

  • Who would you like to talk to next? why?
I plan on interviewing my mom because for a number of reason. One, when she was a teenager she competed in nationals in Indonesia and she became a regional champion and she had a competitive team. 
And two, shes the TKD school owner that I go to school at and so she has a lot of experience. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Problem statement


 How can I produce a kick with more force and speed?

Once I understand the key elements on how to produce a more forceful kick I can apply the technique to any specific kick and be able to perform the technique efficiently with less stamina exerted. Also once i master the kicking technique I can also apply it by teaching the students and kids at the Taekwondo school that I help out at.

How can I score a point every time using less effort in a Taekwondo competition sparring match?

Once I understand the correct skill and strategies on how to score a point on my opponent every time then maybe I can apply it when I go to nationals and compete in the sparring category. And by any chance if I master the kicks so well I can maybe go professional and maybe some day I could compete in the Olympics when I get older.

Mentorship Photos

My experience at the Discipline camp in the summer where I had to plan out the activities.

This photo was taken when I was able control a special belt testing. This was a special belt testing because it was held at a park with over 50 students testing. I am holding a breaking board for a young purple testing for her green belt. 
This was another photo taken from a belt testing that I was also able to take charge of. This was a regular belt testing because it was held at the TKD school with very few students testing. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Interview preperation

1. Who do you plan to interview? why?

I plan on interviewing my Taekwondo teacher that i have known for about five years, master Song Ki Kim. I personally did not earn my black belt from him but he has taught me many new techniques and skills when I first became his student. My first Taekwondo master had to move to Arizona about four months after I got my black belt for reasons I don't know why. My new and current master whipped me back into shape after I stopped Taekwondo for about three years. I feel that since I have known him for a long time I feel very comfortable and feel very easy with any questions i could ask him.

2. You have to ask 5 questions. What additional questions do you plan to ask?

I plan to ask him what was the difference of teaching here in the U.S. and teaching in Korea, and what it was like to attend a TKD university. I also plan to ask him what are the challenges he faced in the U.S. teaching with students that didn't understand how to speak in Korean or how he was able to teach if he knew very little English. I also plan to aski him what were major success stories and horrible experiences he had when teaching at schools. Another thing I plan to ask him is what was his personal background of achieving his black belt and how he got into it or who did he practice with.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Topic Choice

A. What is your topic and why?

I chose Taekwondo as my topic because I have been training and practicing Taekwondo since I was about five years old and it has changed my life completely both physically and mentally and it has made me become the person I am today. Ever since I was little I always watched things liked power rangers and dragonball z and I always wanted to do the things they did, but I couldn't because I was always been on the heavy side and it hurt my self esteem a bit. When I joined Taekwondo I gained a lot of confidence, loss weight, I became much stronger and I learned new things I didn't know my body was capable of doing. Over the years I grew a strong passion and love for this sport and the fact that I was able to earn my black belt at the age of eight it helped a lot. When I reached my teenage years I faced new challenges more difficult than the previous ones. Things such as national competitions and becoming a referee and even becoming an instructor. Recently I have competed in the 2012 Taekwondo national competitions and reffing for tourn but it doesn't even compare to being an instructor for the school I train at. In the past I have always been a helping instructor but not until this summer I have actually tried becoming the lead instructor in the classes. I have learned that I love working with kids of all different ages and sizes with the most interesting personalities. Yes there might be the naughty kids that don't listen but the fact that I am teaching to become a better person brings a smile to my face. I even worked with kids at the age of three and even adults and other teenagers. I feel if I never did Taekwondo I would've never may have experienced these challenges and adventures and so for that reason I am grateful.

B. What do you hope to accomplish this year with this topic?

Well Ipoly taught me how to tolerate different people with different personalities and it gave me a huge advantage on how to become an instructor because I work with so much kids with different backgrounds and I knew how to react and respond with any challenge or situation that was thrown at me. Basically what i want to accomplish with Taekwondo this is year is to hopefully become a full time instructor and eventually go up the ranking and go to Korea to test for my master degree. Right now I'm a second degree and I plan on testing for my 3rd degree at the end of senior year and earning the title as an instructor. My dream vision is becoming a Taekwondo master and owning my very own Taekwondo school.

  • As an I-poly citizen I plan to use Taekwondo to help me become a better citizen because I won't do anything disrespectful to anyone both at Taekwondo and at I-poly. I also will use Taekwondo to try to become a better leader and follower when I ever need to be. If any negativity or stress is put upon me ill use Taekwondo as a stress reliever in my practicing sessions so I can keep calm and think straight.
  • As a effective communicator I plan to be very positive with criticism whether it is good or bad because in Taekwondo I can use criticism as a tool to improve my teaching skills and I can use criticism at I-poly to improve my work. 
  • As an effective learner I plan to be very organized and get due dates and get my work done ahead of time. I plan to make sure I don't slack off or procrastinate because that was the demise of my grades in previous components. Becoming more organized will help me become a better learner because if I am organized there will be less stress for me and I won' t forget anything.
  • As an effective user of technology I plan to make sure I completely understand how to use the blog and any other programs to use that will help me in any presentations. By knowing how to use the blog I will contact any teacher if i need help with any core work or senior projects. Also by learning how to use any other program can help my senior project or any presentation because it can help with bringing my grade higher. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blog 1 (mentorship component)

Literal (Know) 

Mentor: Song ki Kim and Fourida Dewi-Chandra 
Where: Challenge Martial arts. Rancho Cucamunga
Number: 909 476 8484 
Total hours: 13 hours

1.)  July 6, 2012 (5 hours)
          Already being an assistant instructor in Taekwondo help me a lot with my summer mentorship because it really help me explore Taekwondo with a different paradigm. I was not new to Taekwondo so i had a basic feel of what to do. On July 6 I helped out with a summer program at the Tkd school called "Discipline camp" , and basically it was an overnight event where the students sleep over at the Tkd school and we help teach them what discipline and respect meant in Taekwondo and how it was important in their lives. We also played games that required teamwork skills and so there were three teams of nine and they all competed against one another. This event was was meant to give the kids a positive educational and fun message to them. My duty was to help organize and plan everything and made sure everything ran smoothly. I help separate the students, plan the games, listened to the educational speech that was given and make sure that the kids had a fun and enjoyable night. It was stressful but it was well worth it to see the kids go home with smile on their face. 

2.)  July 20, 2012 
          This day was a sparring day and basically what we did was to teach the students how to play the Tkd Olympic style sport. What I did was lead the stretching and warm up and help put the sparring equipment on correctly and teach them techniques on how to score a point. I taught them that the best defense was the best offense and vice versa. I also refereed the sparring matches that was in the class and help ensure that there was no accidents and help their sparring skills improve. In sparring it required the mind and body to act as one and so made the kids do some drills that would improve their reaction times. Some students may be faster and stronger than the other and so I also helped the students that required a little bit more attention with the specific technique.

3.) July 28, 2012 
          On this specific Saturday morning it was a belt testing event. On belt testing the students test themselves by showing off their skill, talent, and improvement in front of everyone and a set of judges. The judges are usually masters and there was four portions of the belt testing. Forms, kicking, sparring and power breaking. What my duty was on this specific day was that I was lead the entire belt testing and held targets and boards for the students. This meant that I was the one who lined up the students, told them what to do ad pair them up with one another. During belt testing there are usually 50 students that test all at one time and what I had to figure out was how to lead the belt testing and make sure it was running quickly but enjoyable also. And when working with 50 students all at once I had to think fast on the spot. If I made one mistake the entire belt testing would've been ruined. 

Literal (Need to know)

-how should I lead this class?
-how can I make everybody pay attention?
-how can I make this event fun?
-what is the curriculum for today's class?
-how can i make sure thew kids are safe?
-are the kids learning and understanding the technique?
-how can i become a better instructor?
-how can i become a better leader for my students?
-what are ways that i can make this class enjoyable but educational?


The most important thing that I gained throughout my entire experience is that every student and every person is different in each classes and that not one person can be the exact same. Even identical twins can be different. One may be slower than the other physically or mentally. I also learned that you cannot teach one student the exact same way with another student because everybody reacts differently. I also learned that you must be very patient with your student, no matter if they are a bad child or good child or what not. Also you have to be extra patient with the disabled students. I also learned that you always have to leave off on a positive note with the student because it gives them hope. It doesn't matter if they did the technique incorrectly this day because this student maybe can do it perfect the next.


I chose Taekwondo as my senior project because I was always involved with Taekwondo no matter what. I gained and learned so much from growing up with Taekwondo and achieved so much. So I decided that I can study what I love and love what I study because it seemed the most simplest thing for me to do.